







European Molecular Biology Laboratory



Interested in sponsoring EuroBioC2022?
Please contact eurobioc@embl.org

Your sponsorship will help increase diversity and representation at the European Bioconductor Conference 2022 by:

  • Reducing registration costs for academic participants, trainees and especially students from countries outside CA, EEA, UK or US.
  • Funding travel scholarships for students, trainees and postdoctoral fellows from countries outside CA, EEA, UK or US.
  • Offering student diversity scholarships to increase participation of students and trainees with migration background.
  • Providing caregiver awards to assist with childcare or eldercare costs.
  • Provide high quality live streaming of the talks and post-production and sharing of videos and conference materials.

Three levels of sponsorship are available. Sponsors of all levels may present a poster highlighting the scientific interests of their organization in the poster sessions.

Platinum: 5.000,00 Euros

  • Poster session will be named after these donors.
  • Highest recognition, using your logo, in the online plattform (Airmeet), on the website, and on printed promotional and scheduling material.
  • Up to 3 free registrations and participation in the social dinner.
  • A thank-you tweet including your preferred Twitter handle.
  • A table during the poster session

Gold: 3.000,00 Euros

  • Top recognition, using your logo, in the online and print conference promotional and scheduling material.
  • Up to 2 free registrations.
  • A thank-you tweet including your preferred Twitter handle.
  • A table during the poster session

Silver: 1,000 Euros

  • Sponsor names will be listed in the online and print promotional and scheduling material.
  • Academic discount on 2 registrations.
  • A thank-you tweet including your preferred Twitter handle.

The organisers will follow local and state guidelines and will only host in-person events if it is safe to do so.

Approximate conference demographics

  • 150+ participants from the global bioinformatics community. Bioc2020 was virtual and had 500 participants.

  • Academic (50%), corporate (e.g., pharmaceutical; 30%); not-for-profit (e.g., Cancer Center; 15%), and government (5%) participants.

  • Lab / group leaders (10%), postdoctoral researchers (40%), bioinformatics core staff (20%), and graduate students (30%).

  • PhD (60%), MS (20%), and other degrees.

  • Thought leaders contributing to leading-edge methodological development, hands-on practitioners incorporating R /

    Bioconductor into robust work flows, and researchers developing bespoke solutions.